Asian Massage London​
Asian Massage, Tantric Massage, Japanese massage.
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About Asian Massage London
Defining Asian Massage or Oriental Massage Therapy
The term "Asian massage therapy" include many different ways as you might know. In general, therapists use her/his hands to press, rub, muscles and other soft tissues of the body. Yes, they most often use their hands and fingers, but sometimes may use their forearms, elbows and feet as well. Asian massage has a long long history in ancient times, Asian have oriental massage medical activities in many countries. Then people experiencing damage to the occurrence of pain in works, instinctively practices massage to release pain, will make the pain lessened or disappeared or release. After a long and long practice of the massage, the ancients recognized the role of Asian massage or oriental massage and become conscious of the main medical activities, after the gradual development of Asian massage disciplines. Asian massage the case of the areas of Traditional Chinese Medicine and massage therapist through the "means" arising from external energy forces, pressing on specific parts or points in the patient's body, and this power is a masseur use it in patients with specific disease, the use of various practices skills or methods, and have done useful key function, it can play the role of correct anatomical position on your body. Those useful function also can be converted into a variety of energy and penetrate into the people body, to change the system function to achieve therapeutic effect in your body.
In Oriental massage or Japanese massage london, the masseurs therapist uses kneading, deep circular movements, vibration, pressing and tapping. Among the many other examples are deep tissue massage and trigger point massage on body, which focuses on myofascial trigger points to muscle "knots" that are painful when pressed and can cause symptoms elsewhere in the body.
Massage therapists work in a variety place, including private offices, hospitals, nursing homes, studios, and sport and facilities. Some also travel to patients' homes, workplaces and hotels.
Anne Clarck
B.App.SC (Chinese Medicine)
B.C.Ap.S (Human Nutrition)
Clinical Internship (JiangSu Provincial Hospital, China)

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Hello, I am from Japan, and my name is Yuko, 21 years old. my Height 160cm, Weigh 48kg, Dress size 6-8, Measurements 32c-23-33. I am erotic, beautiful, and my skin and the body of a Goddess! I have such beautiful body, take just one look at me and you can see why I can make you happy today or tonight. Just imagine this body next to you now and provide a full body massage. My legs are very long and go all the way up to to my private part. If you like to have a good time, I would like to put the smile on your face. I am wonderful at what I do, and enjoy every second time of making you happy, call me soon and I am waiting for you.
Melisa Goodwin
B.App.SC (Chinese Medicine)
B.C.Ap.S (Human Nutrition)
Clinical Internship (JiangSu Provincial Hospital, China)